School Parents - Teacher Association

About us

Our IELEV Private High School Parent-Teacher Association was elected as a result of the General Assembly convened on 24.10.2023 in accordance with the Ministry of National Education's Parent-Teacher Association Regulation and started its duty.

The most basic goal of our association is to ensure continuous communication between school management, teachers, parents, and families during the training of individuals who will guide the change of the future, with the awareness of the modern world, on the path of Atatürk, with creative thinking, to help our school develop its goals and objectives, to enrich the existing social and cultural activities aimed at increasing the success and knowledge of our children, and to carry out multifaceted studies that support this.

2023-2024 IELEV Private High School Parents-Teacher

Association's Members

Permanent Members of the Board of Directors

Ali Mete Kurt - President
Filiz Akman - Vice President
Arzu Bozkurt Albuyur - Accountant
Özgül Demirkol - Clerk
Emine Demirci - Permanent Member
Hatice Demirezen - Permanent Member

Supervisory Board

Süheyla Kütük - Permanent Member
Nagehan Kutlutürk - Substitute Member

Our Parent-Teacher Association, which wholeheartedly believes that IELEV parents will be our biggest support while achieving our goals, meets monthly.

Monthly meeting dates have been determined as follows, and in case of changes, they will be notified with a meeting invitation:

Every IELEV Private High School parent is a natural member of the Parent-Teacher Association.

Our e-mail address for all kinds of suggestions and questions: