IBDP World History (German, SL)

Course description and objectives:

The language of the course is German.

Why History? By learning about their past, students learn to understand their identity, their culture, and the present. However, in a globalized world, it is important to explore the historical events of different world regions to study history from an international perspective and to understand different cultures.

In this course, students are encouraged to think and work like historians. Students participate in the research, interpretation, and analysis of different sources. In this way, they develop their ability to evaluate different perspectives and views on historical events.

The purpose of the Standard Level World History course at IELEV Private High School:

  • To increase students' curiosity to learn more about the past.
  • To encourage students to work from different perspectives and to understand historical concepts, events, and developments.
  • Developing students' international awareness by studying the history of different world regions
  • To enable students to see History as a science from which they will learn historical chronology, historical context, and different historical perspectives.
  • Developing students' historical skills such as analyzing different sources
  • To enable them to learn their past well so that they can better understand our present.

Curriculum outline and content:

At the end of the second year of the program, students take a standardized exam from the IB DP. The following subjects are required in the World History Course:


"Rights and Protests" focuses on struggles for rights and freedoms in the mid-20th century.

Case study 1: Civil rights movement in the United States (1954-1965)
Case study 2: South Africa and apartheid (1948-1964)

Two world history topics:

  • Authoritarian States (20th century)
  • Cold War: Superpower tensions and rivalries (20th century)

Historical review:

Students are required to conduct historical research on a topic they are interested in. The topic does not have to be related to the syllabus. The components of historical research are explained in the course. Each student prepares the research individually and is supervised and evaluated by the subject teacher.

Assessment information:

External Assessment:

  • Paper 1: Source-based text on specified topics (30%).
  • Paper 2: A compositional essay on world history topics (45%).

Internal Assessment:

Historical Research: This study is first evaluated by the subject teachers at the school and then moderated by the IB assessment experts appointed by the IB. (25%)