CAS (Creativity-Activity-Service)



Creativity: Generating and developing ideas, taking part in a product/performance of one's own or based on interpretation

Activity: Physical work for a healthy lifestyle

Service: To act voluntarily in response to a real community need, individually and collaboratively.

Types of services:

a) One-to-one service: One-to-one tutoring, service at the animal shelter, etc.
b) Indirect service: Designing the charity's website
c) Advocacy: Raising awareness of a problem, taking action by attracting public attention: such as a campaign for the starving.
d) Research: Collecting, analyzing, and presenting information that will create change. The environmental survey, interviews about homeless/unemployment, etc.


Any work that you do not actively participate in will not be accepted, we need to interact with others.

Examples of ineligible work:

  • Simple, routine daily activities
  • Activities in which we are passive such as going to museums, theaters, exhibitions, concerts
  • Work experience that benefits only the student doing the study
  • Works that will provide personal reward and financial gain
  • Fundraising activities for which the purpose is unclear
  • The following types of work in the elderly or kindergartens:
  • Lack of clear definition of what has been done
  • Not interacting with the elderly/children
  • The absence of a consultant to observe us and evaluate our performance in our work.


CAS EXPERIENCE: Experience involving one or more CAS elements. The purpose of an experience is to achieve CAS goals/outcomes. In doing so, it is necessary to gather evidence.

CAS PROJECT: Project involving two or more CAS elements, lasting at least 4 weeks (including research and exhibition/presentation). Collaborating with other students (preferably IB) or the wider community and providing evidence that we are working to achieve CAS outcomes.                    

How to get started with CAS?

* Distribute our activities evenly between 3 elements
* Fill in the forms in our handbook that will help us
* Talk to our CAS consultant and share our ideas                                          


*Let's not forget that we go through 5 stages while acquiring an experience. 1-Research, 2-preparation, 3-action, 4-feedback (reflection), 5-presentation phase. It is important to fulfill these steps without skipping for each of our experiences.
* we must keep organized the evidence that shows that we have achieved the target outputs

A few examples of CAS:


  • Theatre, band, choir, dance, robotics, ceramics, photography, etc.
  • Learning to play a musical instrument
  • MUN/EYP/ ESU / debate or public speaking competitions
  • Writing for a magazine or newspaper
  • Planning a musical and presenting in a seniors home
  • Making the website of the school, charity


  • Team sports (on/off campus), individual sports (golf, surfing, swimming, yoga, pilates, etc.)
  • Sponsored walk
  • Going to the gym and following a new schedule for ourselves,


  • Teaching in a public school
  • Helping in the child welfare institution, kindergartens
  • Helping the village school, establishing its library
  • To give a new skill to those in the hospital/old people's home
  • Working for those who need help globally
  • Obtaining a First Aid certificate.


When we finish the GIB CAS program, we will achieve the following goals/outputs:

Enhanced awareness of our strengths and growth: We have many talents and skills, and we must be aware of our choices to go further.

Embarking on new challenges: It can be an activity we haven't done before, or it can be an enhancement of an existing one.

Taking part in planned activities that require participation in a group: This type of work is based on cooperation. The student needs to plan and implement an experience.

Collaboration with others: Collaborative activities such as team sports, group music, and helping kindergarten children. Collaboration and creativity-activity-service in harmony with at least one project work is a must for CAS.

Committed to work with perseverance: In its simplest form, regularly participating in their work and dealing with problems that arise.

Dealing with issues of global importance: Taking part in international projects, and participating in global problems at the local, national, and international levels (eg environmental issues)

Behaving ethically: Important throughout the entire CAS program (for example, on the sports field, when composing musicals, and in our relationships with others).

Developing new skills: While doing an activity that we have not done before, we may notice our new skills or see that we have mastered them.                                          

ASSESSMENT: The CAS program is not evaluated with grades, but we need to show in 3 official interviews that we have achieved the target outputs, that we are a student suitable for the IB student profile, and that we attach importance to international mindedness.

*1st interview: It is held to show that we understand what the CAS program is, the target outputs, the features in the IB student profile, and how we can reflect. We talk to our consultant about time management, our plans, the reflections we have uploaded to the Managebac site, and our evidence.

*2nd interview: Our progress in the program is evaluated, it discusses how we follow the CAS steps, what level we have reached the target outputs, and how we plan/plan the CAS project. Documents uploaded to the Managebac system are taken as evidence.

*3rd interview: It is discussed how we reached all of the CAS outputs, our experiences and our project, the extent to which we have completed, the new skills we have gained, what kind of experiences we have achieved international mindedness, which studies and how we have achieved the characteristics of the IB student profile. Realistic feedback on our own progress is important and documentation in the Managebac system is taken as evidence.

Regular feedback and evidence of our CAS work should be put into the Managebac system. Regular meetings with our CAS consultant should be provided.

Not going to meetings with our advisor, not attending meetings, not giving feedback (reflecting), and not collecting relevant evidence will cause us to fall behind in the program and ultimately we will not be able to get our IB diploma.


  • We must carefully read the entire CAS booklet (given at the end of Grade 10).
  • We must attend the CAS Coordinator's presentation meeting
  • We should think about what we can do for the CAS studies and the CAS group project, and generate ideas.
  • We must set our goals for personal development
  • We should create our own CAS action plan (Forms that can help for these are available in the CAS booklet)
  • We should find our CAS consultant and share our plans and goals. (We must be active in the decision-making process)
  • Before we start each experience, we must upload our offer form to vmanagebac and get our consultant's approval. Next, we need to load our pre-image into the system.
  • We should realize the experience/project we planned and include in our reflections what we have experienced in this process, what kind of difficulties we have overcome, what went wrong, our feelings and thoughts, the connection of our experience with TOK, etc. We must also upload the evidence of this experience to the system.

Relation of CAS to TOC and Academic honesty

** The purpose of TOK is for us to enjoy the rich and diverse knowledge of human beings.

** The purpose of CAS is to experience this pleasure.

** Both expect us to analyze information, question generalizations, and form our own opinions.

Academic honesty/observance of ethical values:

Plagiarism is prohibited (presentation of ideas, words, and work of other believers).

Reproduction of the work is prohibited (such as the use of work done for one assignment in another assignment).

Any form of abuse is prohibited.

We should observe ethical values in the decisions we make and the behaviors we display, respect the rights and freedoms of people, prioritize love and respect towards living things, and know that we have to bear the consequences of our actions in the opposite direction, and we should take responsibility for this.  


Our 11th and 12th-grade students are doing CAS (creativity, physical activity, social responsibility) studies within the scope of the IB program. We are implementing the Duke of Edinburgh International Award Program for our students at other grade levels to become familiar with the CAS program, improve themselves, and raise awareness of solidarity by supporting those in need.

We are happy to see that this kind of work is becoming a habit among all our students.

There are also studies that we do in different branch courses in the context of CAS, and that we carry out every year and make it traditional.

Some of those:

  • 2021- Sponsored Donation Walk - Turkish Autism Foundation
  • 2022- Sponsored Donation Walk - TEMA
  • 2022 - Walker Project for Disabled Animals
  • 2022 - Book Donation to Niger
  • 2022 - Neutering the Cats in Our School
  • 2022- Looking into the Eyes of Discrimination Camp Activities