Course description and objectives
In the IB Literature course, students acquire universal perspectives by getting to know other cultures along with their own culture through literary works composed of different cultures and languages. Students focus on the nature of literature by adopting critical approaches to the texts they read. They explore and question the nature of literature, the aesthetic functions of literary language and literary texts, and the relationship between the real world and literature. Students evaluate the nature of language, and how identity and culture are shaped through the works they read. They learn to think freely, originally, critically, and without prejudice in their reading process.
The literature course aims to:
Outline and Content
During the two-year program, students read 9 books at the basic level and 13 books at the high level from different genres, both domestic and foreign. To gain a critical and questioning approach, students' studies on the works are based on exploration areas and concepts. Language and literature studies are at the center of three areas of exploration, which can be characterized as literate-writer-text, time-space, and intertextuality, and the course is divided into three areas to develop relevant skills. In the field of literate-text exploration, it is aimed to discover the interaction between these concepts and to understand the world of the text. How texts, language, and culture change in the context of time-space and its reflections are analyzed. In the section of intertextuality, it is aimed to realize the relations of the texts with each other. At the same time, to achieve these goals, the course is shaped around the following seven concepts: identity, culture, transformation, creativity, communication, representation, and perspective. These concepts form the focus of linguistic and literary studies. Based on these concepts and exploration areas, the selected works are processed around the units prepared in the same direction. Units are prepared by paying attention to national values, universal values, interdisciplinary studies, and the importance of differentiated education.
Assessment information
The assessment titles based on the books of literary genres selected from the list of local and foreign authors (PLA/PLT) prepared by IB are given below:
External Origin Measurement and Assessment | TD 70%/ YD 80% |
Paper 1: Directed Literary Analysis Study (TD 1 hour 15 minutes) (YD 2 hours 15 minutes) | TD-YD 35% |
Paper 2: Comparative article (TD- YD 1 hour 45 minutes) | TD 35%; YD 25% |
Article: (High Level Only) (1200-1500 words) |
YD 20% |
Internal Origin Measurement and Assessment | TD 30% - YD 20% |
Individual Verbal Comment Presentation (15 minutes) | TD 30% / YD 20% |
The detailed guidelines and criteria for the written and oral assessment topics outlined above will be shared with the students during the two-year program.