In IELEV Private High School, the quality improvement and school development process has started since the 2018-2019 academic year. School improvement is related to these three areas:
Institutional development, staff development, and instructional development are the main focuses of school improvement work, and all of them have a primary goal of providing good teaching.
Each year, working groups and project groups are formed based on priorities, which, with the support of the entire school community, identify various concepts, regulations, and new development goals and regularly optimize progress and their implementation.
At IELEV Private High School, the foundation of the school development process will be our mission, principles (Leitbild), and the school program. School improvement activities are coordinated by the school development group, which will consist of school members.
School Development Group
IELEV Private High School Development Group is an important body of the school for the coordination and control of the school development and quality improvement process of the whole school. The school improvement group works on behalf of all teachers and provides transparency.
The school improvement group consists of permanent members (School principals, AQM Coordinator and IB Coordinator) and temporary representatives of various committees and project groups.
School development officer: Hülya Turan (AQM-Coordinator)