As IELEV Private High School, we are honoured to be taking part in the Erasmus Plus (KA229) Project. Erasmus Plus is an international exchange programme which allows teachers and students to engage with people all around the world. Erasmus is a community action scheme for students, based mainly in Europe and the Plus programme gives the participants the opportunity to learn about different cultures.
The partner teachers and students are going to learn about different cultures, specifically fiction, folklore and fables throughout the project named “Try to Tell a Timeless Tale”. The project will enable the participants to meet people from various European countries, experience different traditions and practice the language they are learning at school. The students taking part in the project will have the opportunity to improve their communication skills. It will also enrich the students’ perspectives about the world around us.
The project activities involve travelling to other countries and being hosted by families who speak the language. This hands-on approach will improve their ability to adapt and overcome change.
The partner schools are;
The students have created a display board at the entrance of the high school building. The board is filled with information about the partner schools and countries we are linked with. They also started communicating with the students of the partner schools on Twinspaces online platform.
Our future plans include travelling to Holland, Norway, Spain and the UK in the next 2 years. IELEV High School students will be hosting students of the partner schools in 2019, showing them around the city and engaging them in Turkish culture.