Guidance and psychological counseling is a systematic and professional psychological assistance service provided by experts to enable our students to develop psychologically, physically, mentally, socially and educationally, to make appropriate decisions by recognizing themselves with all aspects, to make choices and to establish healthy and balanced relations with their environment.
The general purpose of IELEV Schools Psychological Counseling and Guidance Service is to guide students' social, emotional and cognitive development, to provide psychological counseling support on the subjects they need, to help them to recognize their abilities, to guide them to realize their potentials and to turn them into performances. To be ready to be ready to live as a 21st-century world citizen who is able to live, be productive and enjoy life.
IELEV Schools Psychological Counseling and Guidance Service will work on the continuity of development and will make the students to realize themselves.
In line with these objectives, the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Service of IELEV Schools, which aims to train individuals who are analytical and who are respectful of diversity and who are struggling and supportive, carry out guidance and psychological counseling services.
- Students recognize their interests, abilities and competences
- Developing good and positive relationships with students' environment
- To develop the skills of problem solving, decision making and self-management.
- It is our basic goals that the students perform their developmental stages (cognitive, social, emotional, physical) in a healthy way.
In this context, the activities carried out in the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Service can be summarized as follows:
Educational Guidance: It includes strengthening the adaptation and educational development of the student. To recognize the student's interests and abilities, to make orientation studies to facilitate orientation, to identify the reasons for academic failure and to uncover the causes of educational guidance are issues.
Vocational Guidance: It contains information and help for the student to make healthy and right choices. In vocational guidance, it is essential to present the profession, to provide information about the upper education institutions, to carry out the studies to apply the tests and techniques to measure the students' interests and abilities.
Personal Guidance: It includes the process of supporting the person in order to eliminate the emotional and psychological problems of the student. Emotional problems and learning disabilities are the topics covered by personal guidance.
Working Framework
- A general evaluation interview is made with each student throughout the year.
- The Guidance and Psychological Counseling Service is based on the approach of approaching and approaching all students and not approaching the problem.
- Guidance and Psychological Counseling Services, IELEV School plans the work according to the philosophy and mission.
- It carries out the internal and external work according to the internal operation procedures.
- Management is based on communication and sharing model in order to make communication with teachers, parents and students healthy.
- Training and supervision studies are carried out in line with the need for professionalization of Guidance and Psychological Counseling Service specialists.
- For parents and teachers, psychological counselors are listened to and provided with the necessary support, at least to the extent that they can reach out to the psychological counselors within a certain framework, regardless of the subject they bring sometimes with impossible and limited problems.
Services for Students
- SCHOOL MATURITY STUDY: An effort is made to determine the status of developmental and academic readiness of primary school students for the first grade of primary education. After the study, information is shared with the parent.
- DEVELOPMENT MONITORING: The follow-up of students' psychological, academic and social development is monitored through individual interviews and class work.
- CLASS GUIDANCE STUDIES: Class guidance activities that support students' psychological and social development are organized within the scope of the annual guidance activities program. In this context, the skills of self-study, self-management skills, anger control, coping with bullying, characteristics of adolescence period, exam anxiety, balanced nutrition, decision-making skills etc. Class work on subjects is carried out. While planning these studies, interdisciplinary cooperation is taken as the basis.
- NPP (Peer Bullying Prevention Project): For two years, 2-7. It is aimed to increase the students' social and emotional relations skills in school climate with NOSP (Peer Bullying Prevention Project)
- GAME SCHOOL PROJECT: In the scope of this project, our children play the old games, to comply with the framework, to develop methods to cope with the problem and learn the old '' street game culture '' is provided.
- LIFE SCHOOL PROJECT: With this project, it is planned to increase the knowledge, experience and experience of our students in different areas of life.
- SAFE AND POSITIVE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT: This project is supported by IELEV Schools Psychological Counseling and Guidance Service, where respect and tolerance are felt, sensitive to individual differences, and all stakeholders of the school support each other; to provide a positive school climate. Through this interdisciplinary project, it is aimed that the students gain awareness about the communication sources they create with their peers, and develop problem solving skills and have knowledge about preventive measures.
- FAMILY TO BE FAMILY PROJECT IN IELEV: Our students' spirit of being IELEV; It is a project that has been formed in order to reinforce the consciousness of transferring from generation to generation with the values of cooperation and solidarity. With this project, it is aimed that our students in our big class will support our students in smaller classrooms by providing guidance in various fields and to make mutual exchanges with various activities.
- WILL YOU PLAY WITH ME? PROJECT: This project is a project carried out with Physical Education, English, German Departments and classroom teachers in order to teach our students the traditional games, to support their team work and life skills. The aim of our students is to rivet the consciousness of being a team, to manage their feelings about winning and losing and to develop their social skills through the game.
- REALITY FROM THE VIRTUAL REALITY PROJECT: There are researches that the social media usage and the virtual games that have entered our lives with technological developments have some effects on our emotional life. This project has been created to raise awareness of the negative effects of amacıyla immediate satisfaction alık on the development of patience and persistence. With the garden works, it is aimed that the students experience the sense of patience and persistence towards the void, take responsibility for a creature and put a product on it.
- ORIENTATION STUDIES: The birinci orientation procedure AL is planned and implemented to strengthen the spiritual and academic preparation of the students who pass from the kindergarten to the first year and from the fourth to the fifth grade. In this context, various class activities, information activities, surveys and group dynamics activities are organized for our students.
- LEARNING STYLES STUDY: The learning styles of our students are determined at the third and sixth grade and it is ensured to participate in the teaching process.
- TAP FOUNDATION FOR COOPERATION with SEXUAL HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAM: to support the framework of health to mental and physical development of students, Turkey Family Health and Planning Foundation (TAP) held in cooperation with sexual health education programs.
- CAREER WEEK: in Career Week ASI activities are organized in order to support students' future plans and to get to know the high schools they aim for. This study stands out as a first among primary schools. This year, our 10th Career Week will be held on 18-22 February 2019.
- HIGH SCHOOL INTRODUCTION TRIPS: High School Presentation Trips TAN are organized for the seventh and eighth grade students.
- HIGH SCHOOL PROMOTION GUIDELINE: The “High School Publicity Guide TAN is provided to ensure that our eighth grade students get to know the high schools and to support them in the period of preference.
- TARGET DETERMINATION: The sixth, seventh and eighth grade students aim to determine the high schools they aim at and to inform them in the scope of the interdisciplinary goal-setting study conducted to increase their motivation.
- OPEN AIR TRAINING PROGRAM: Open-air training program on the theme of Motivation and problem solving skills for the eight grade students and Emotional and Social Adaptation for the Fifth Grade students.
- SEMINARS FOR EXAMINATION: Our students are informed about the high school entrance exam and are supported for their mood changes during the process.
- PREFERENCE CONSULTANCY: Pre-primary education is given to the eighth grade primary school students during the pre-examination period.
Services for Parents
- PEDAGOGRAPHY SCHOOL STUDIES: Psycho-educational periodic group studies are organized to develop effective parental attitudes. These studies are announced via e-mails at least one week before the start date and the participation of parents is ensured within the determined quota. This period of training, “Play and connect: Connected or dependent?
- GENERAL PARENT SEMINAR: In each academic year, at least one general parent seminar is organized.
- THEMATIC PARENT SHARING MEETINGS: We can write “PSYCHO-LOJIC INTERVIEWS” instead. The pedagogical school that will be held throughout the year is a study planned in May in the form of psychology conversations, which are prominent in the group work and the agenda topics will be determined together with our parents.
- SEMINARS OF DEVELOPMENT PERIOD: Within the scope of the orientation programs, parent seminars are organized for all classes at the level of development in August and September.
- BULLETINS: Each month, a comprehensive bulletin about various themes is sent to our parents via e-mails.
Services for Teachers
- PLANNING OF CLASS STUDIES: It is ensured that the annual plan of guidance and psychological counseling services of our school is carried out in cooperation with teachers, school management and Guidance and Psychological Counseling Service.
- TEACHING ORIENTATION: Group activities are organized in August in order to strengthen group dynamics among teachers.
- STUDENT DEVELOPMENT FOLLOW-UP: Regular follow-up of the students' psychological, academic and social development in the classroom is carried out together with the class counselors, and in accordance with the needs of the student, organizes and practices in coordination with the school management and the classroom guidance counselor.
- INFORMATION ABOUT PRIVATE SITUATION STUDENTS: All teachers are informed about the development of the students during the meetings such as orientation and branch teachers 'board which ensures the follow-up of the students' development.
- TEACHERS 'TRAINING: Within the scope of ilişki Effective Communication, Effective Relationship kapsamında theme, six-week communication and relationship-themed training activities are conducted. All our teachers once a month joined the supervision work under the leadership of Neslihan Zabcı.
- TEACHERS 'PERCEPTION CALLS: IELEV Participates in the candidate teacher interviews conducted in line with the human resources needs of the Educational Institutions.
Services for the Functioning of the School
- SERVICES RELATED TO THE OPERATION OF THE INSTITUTION: Activities of the Committee for Monitoring and Evaluation of Student Behaviors, Student Behavior are followed within the framework of the Award Procedure and the School Act.
- PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT TO CRISIS CONDITIONS: The necessary plans, preparations and applications are made within the framework of bir Crisis Management Procedure “which is implemented in case of a natural disaster or crisis.
- TRAININGS FOR SUPPORT UNITS: Seminars are organized with the theme of inin Communication skills (for the employees of the school's support units (eg, Tursan employees who provide transportation services).
- PROSPECTIVE STUDENT IDENTIFICATION STUDIES: In our student admission process, the student's socio-emotional status and academic skills are evaluated.
- INSTITUTION CULTURE STUDIES: In order to strengthen the common attitude of the school administration and teachers, support is given to activities such as IELEV corporate culture workshops.
Services for Professional Development
- EDUCATION AND PSYCHOANALYSIS SYMPOSIUM: Rehber Psychological Counseling Symposium İK is organized every two years to contribute to the development of the field of Guidance and Psychological Counseling. Professionals, educators and education managers who work in the field of mental health participate in these studies. This year's 5th Symposium will be held on January 5, 2019; ”School and Violence.“
- SUPERVISION: All our psychological counselors receive supervisory support with psychiatrist and psychoanalyst once a month.
- SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATIONS: At least one presentation is held at the symposium, congress and events organized by various platforms.
Turkey's well established and equipped unit of IELEV Schools Counseling Service, a team of experts based on the philosophy of lifelong learning continue to enrich themselves with various vocational training. IELEV Schools Guidance and Psychological Counseling Service works on the basis of principles of volunteering, confidentiality and reliability while working in cooperation of student-teacher and parent.