In IELEV Schools, it is aimed to enable our students to comprehend what they have learned from kindergarten and to gain 21st century skills with different education-teaching methods and techniques in accordance with the understanding of learning by doing and experiencing.
The classroom teaching system is applied in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades.
In the 4th grade, the science teacher takes the course. In mathematics class, the teacher of the classroom and the branch teacher carry out the lesson together.
In addition to the national education practices applicable to all primary schools in our country, those who are in compliance with our corporate principles from international education practices are included in our training activities. Our educational program aims to support our students to ensure their self-learning skills. Our students' abilities, individual characteristics and learning styles are taken into account at every stage of the education process.
In the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade levels, in the elective courses, which are included in the basic program of the primary school,
Chess for 1st and 2nd grades, creative drama, free activity in German, information technologies related to courses,
For the 3rd grade, German free activities, information technologies and creative drama activities are included.
From the 4th grade, thinking with values and main English activities are organized in the elective course hours foreseen by the primary school basic program.
One of our main objectives is to ensure that our students benefit equally and effectively from the learning environment through the supervision of our teachers. The development of our students is monitored by team work, and the work is carried out within the scope of the support and knowledge of our related departments.
In all of our courses, we use instructional techniques which take into account the individual differences of our students and mobilize different intelligence areas. Induction, deduction, narration, collaborative learning, small group studies and individual presentations, group discussion and brainstorming, drama and animation, project development, station, differentiation, reading circle, STEM-Maker, EKO School study and projects, developing ideas through discussion chain, etc. methods are used.
Textbooks recommended by MEB for each course, IELEV source books, worksheets are used. According to needs, activities such as watching movies, using presentations, visual or cartoon interpreting, reading books, discussion on newspaper and magazine articles are used to enrich the course content. Smart boards and the technological structure within each class are actively involved in the enrichment of the educational environment.
Experimental studies, exhibition and museum trips, urban and extra-city trips, life skills camps, writer interviews, debates, panels and competitions, concert and theater activities are part of our educational practices. Club activities, community services and social responsibility activities, campaigns and projects contribute to the social and cultural development of our students.